We got into a little fight. The boys had made themselves swords, shields, and axes, and Catherine and I ganged up on them with bean poles and foam noodles (a little one-sided you'd think). We even got Elizabeth to join in after a while; we're going to have to get another foam noodle for Claire, though.

Full armor.

I think he's got a problem with the camera.

Great. Catherine! They're charging!

Well! He almost looks scared!

that's why.

A vicious attacker.

The fight ended with both sides declaring victory, and we were about to eat a delicious dinner!
Great picture, Kyle.
One night we built a fire and ate ruebens while enjoying conversation.

We got the berry patch in order on day.

Trying to get more kinks worked out in another jam session.
Claire, Kyle, and I (and probably the chruch) are
so thankful that y'all helped us last Monday night! We just couldn't have done it near so well without y'all.

Yesterday I got placed on the Poop Squad. Yep. The men went around with pitch forks picking up cow patties. I got the good job (thank you, Mr. Brothers!): I drove the Mule behind them. Once we got a good load we went back to the compost pile and they spread it on.

After doing this for a while they became real manure connoisseurs.
"I personally think the dried ones are best for this time of year."
"No!?! I believe you're saying that just because you don't want to pick up the heavy, wet ones."
"......Not at all *grunt* see?!"
"Whatever!" *all laugh*

Next we tackled the garden. We took down the tomato cages, t-posts, and stakes.

Mr. Brothers tilled our beds, and they look just superb! THANK YOU!!!

At lunch.

After lunch, the boys went out to do more trench digging.

Benjamin helped too!

After dinner something very purple and smelly came out. A hand waxer thingy! Most everyone tried it out. The babies didn't; the heads-of-household didn't; Kyle didn't, and I didn't.
Everyone else did.
I just couldn't do that to my hands. Besides, they're not dry!

Even Elijah joined in "Just to see how it felt."

Sorry, Elijah. I just
had to do it.
Don't let it keep y'all from coming back as soon as possible! We got
so much done, and we had great fun! You know, we need to practice on those songs too! Your pose here looks like you
could reach the higher notes.