Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving Festivities

We did puzzles, and games, we ate a ton of food this Thanksgiving. Here is "Pin the Turkey on the Hat", named by Luke.

Abigail, my cousin, playing charades.

Forehead! A game much more down my alley! I'm not too fond of those others, however I contributed to all the puzzles we did.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Several Little Things of No Consequence

The first thing of no consequence will be the cut of meat contest winner announcement.

All who participated lost. Sorry. Cold, hard fact. Thank you for participating anyhow.

The meat goes from this...

To this!

The second thing now would be a little poll for my information:

What do you use? Internet Explorer or Firefox?

The last thing is just a quick note to say that the best part of Thanksgiving has arrived! Turkey pot-pie!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgivin' Y'all!


–adjective, -pi‧er, -pi‧est.

1. delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing: to be happy to see a person.
2. characterized by or indicative of pleasure, contentment, or joy: a happy mood; a happy frame of mind.
3. apt or felicitous, as actions, utterances, or ideas.

1. joyous, joyful, blithe, cheerful, merry, contented, gay, blissful, satisfied.
2. favorable, propitious; successful, prosperous.
3. appropriate, fitting, opportune, pertinent.
1. sad


1. the act of giving thanks; grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favors, esp. to God.
2. an expression of thanks, esp. to God.
3. a public celebration in acknowledgment of divine favor or kindness.
4. a day set apart for giving thanks to God.
5. (initial capital letter) Thanksgiving Day.


Pronounced, YAWL. pron. Chiefly Southern U.S. You. Used in addressing two or more people or referring to two or more people, one of whom is addressed.

Regional Note:

The single most famous feature of Southern United States dialects is the pronoun y'all, sometimes heard in its variant you-all. You-all functions with perfect grammatical regularity as a second person plural pronoun, taking its own possessive you-all's (or less frequently, your-all's, where both parts of the word are inflected for possession): You-all's voices sound alike. Southerners do not, as is sometimes believed, use you-all or y'all for both singular and plural you. A single person may only be addressed as you-all if the speaker implies in the reference other persons not present: Did you-all [you and others] have dinner yet? You and you-all preserve the singular/plural distinction that English used to have in thou and ye, the subject forms of singular and plural you, respectively (thee and you were the singular and plural object forms). The distinction between singular thou/thee and plural ye/you began to blur as early as the 13th century, when the plural form was often used for the singular in formal contexts or to indicate politeness, much as the French use tu for singular and familiar “you,” and vous for both plural and polite singular “you.” In English, the object form you gradually came to be used in subject position as well, so that the four forms thou, thee, ye, and you collapsed into one form, you. Thou and thee were quite rare in educated speech in the 16th century, and they disappeared completely from standard English in the 18th. However, the distinction between singular and plural you is just as useful as that between other singular and plural pronoun forms, such as I and we. In addition to y'all, other forms for plural you include you-uns, youse, and you guys or youse guys. Youse is common in vernacular varieties in the Northeast, particularly in large cities such as New York and Boston, and is also common in Irish English. You-uns is found in western Pennsylvania and in the Appalachians and probably reflects the Scotch-Irish roots of many European settlers to these regions. You guys and youse guys appear to be newer innovations than the other dialectal forms of plural you. (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.)

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Beef Processing and Meat I.D. Contest

Well, here it is. Another post. Here's what we've done lately, Kaliste!

First of all, this is a decidedly agrarian process. As is quite obvious.


Well, a quarter of him.

Looks like he's still putting up a good fight!

He's becoming more manageable.

The meat saw was great.

Hungry anyone?

The tallow, which we saved for some reason other than to spoil in our freezer (though I am still uncertain as to what that reason is).

What would you call this?

I call this a meat tenderizer.
Grinding beef.

Finished products.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contest Time!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry. Bradshaws and Wiggins are disqualified for having already done it.
What is this?

As for today, 11-20-2006, we had some good flurries! Exciting!

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..."

Friday, November 10, 2006


See, we actually did get something done today!

We mulched around the house, the shrubs near the basement, in the asparagus, and around the shrubs near the tool shed.

We also, umm... fenced. No, really, we did! We got three whole strands of barbed wire up and all the rest of the t-posts in the pasture farthest from the house.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

This Just In

An albino deer has been seen near hear! I repeat: an albino deer has been seen near here.

A rare occurence; besides, it was something to blog about.

It was a piebald deer, not albino. Don't know if they're any more common or not.

Nothin' much goin' on

I don't have to much to blog about right now. It drives me crazy when there are long pauses between posts, and I try not to do it, but what do you do when you don't have anything to post about?!!

Let's see. It's been raining a lot lately, and it is kinda hard to remember to be thankful for it. I have to think back to this summer when rain was scarce and desparately needed.

The leaves are falling. It is just about past the real pretty time with all the colors. It's hard to realize that it is near the end of the year already! The year has gone by so fast! Getting to know new friends better; doing practically everything under the sun, and changing our world view almost completely from what it was four years ago! Those four years have been whirlwinds!

Okay, I posted. It's no good, but it's there.