Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Water, or the lack thereof

At dinner this evening Daddy said that he had talked to one of the guys at our local co-op. This man said that we are in (or in for) one of the worst droughts ever (for around here). Daddy mentioned a seven year drought period. I think back to the year we built our house; it was unusual to have a day without rain! Last year was a dry year, but we're drier earlier this year. I've also been thinking back to the years we spent in a little, dead-end road subdivision. Things have changed so much since then! We were pretty city-fied compared to where we are now, although we did have 6 or so acres. We didn't really know what to do with it! In the last two or three years there we did have a few laying hens, three dogs, and a large garden spot. We had a big, fenced-in, back yard and a wonderful playground. I remember us talking about the weather only occasionally. It didn't really affect us! We actually enjoyed long dry spells! That meant less mowing and more outside play to us. Things have changed! We certainly don't take the weather for granted as often anymore, and the weather is not just a boring, safe subject to resort to when there is nothing else to talk about. It is a constant reminder of how God has control over all things, and we really can't do anything.

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