Stouffer's came to our place Friday, and, on Saturday, we got a
great deal of work done!!!

First thing Saturday morning we processed thirty, very small Cornish Cross birds.

I got the scalding job again. It was quite a hot job in the near-ninety degree weather.

See, I told you they were small! I don't think this was the smallest one either!

Gizzards and feet! We were requested to keep the gizzards out. We were not very sure how to clean all the grass and stuff out, so we left that up to the recipient!

Kyle and Daniel moved the younger chicks into the newly-emptied, larger chicken tractor. Still, I think we will have to make another one for when they get larger.

While they were putting the chicks in the chicken tractor, Daddy, Mr. Stouffer, and Chris started stringing the extension for the pig fence. We got it finished before dinner, but the pigs didn't go past the old fence line until well into the evening or the next day! We can't thank the Stouffer's enough for all the work they helped us with! They did so much yard work too! We can't wait for them to come back (we've got plenty more work to do to keep many people
very busy!)!
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