






In no specific order, of course. This is if I were to travel abroad. Perhaps I'll post about where I'd like to go on this continent later.
Link. Another Link. Those men are Greek. I think I like the Scottish kilt a good bit better!
Greece...nice house.
France...me no likey.
France...not in a month of Sundays.
If you decide to go to Scotland and will pay my expenses, I will be your tour guide *and* translator.
You wouldn't even go to France for the food? I don't know, but I could guess that it would be better than Scotland's haggis!
I'm in perfect agreement with Jake's comment. I wouldn't go to France in a decade of Sundays. As far as the food, all they eat is croissants and eclairs. Stuffs like air.
If you pay my expenses to Scotland, I'll carry your's and Jacob's bags.
To the untrained, squeemish palate, haggis may not be the most desirable cuisine. To a Scotsman, 'tis delicious. Much better than "froofroo-food". Have you tried caviar???...GAK! Smelled it???...RALPH!
They also eat a dish entitled Ratatouille (glorified eggplant...wait...is that feasible?). To quote the famous chef, Linguini, "Ratatouille. It's like a stew, right? Why do they call it that? If you're gunna name a food, you should give it a name that sounds delicious. Ratatouille doesn't sound delicious. It sounds like 'rat' and 'patootie'. 'Rat-patootie', which does not sound delicious."
What about escargot? Who thought to eat a snail? They are nasty, slimy and chewy (referring to the snails..not the French). Only a Frenchman would have seen a slug and thought, "Yum!" They think that just because they have a fancy sounding language they can eat snails, organs and horses and make it a delicacy. The Frenchman's language sounds like they are speaking in cursive anyway, and I try to avoid cursive as much as possible.
"Never eat more than you can lift."
-Miss Piggy
What about the cheeses, bakeries, wineries (or whatever you call 'em), and the cafes? Luke told us the other night that he would "go for the cheese and wine!" I agree with you on the caviar though. It never sounded good to me, even if it is some sort of delicacy.
Let me see if I'm getting this right. I pay y'alls expenses to Scotland, where I am to leave you and brave the rest of Europe alone. Correct?
Well, perhaps Jacob would accompany me to Ireland and Greece. Chris only mentioned Scotland though. What about Spain, Portugal, and Croatia? It doesn't matter about France, perhaps I can persuade Mrs. Lovett to come translate for me there (and perhaps do some wine-tasting too). If I can persuade her, perhaps Kaliste will join us, and well roam Europe without any protectors. Tricia Ann, will you come? or are you, like your brother, so much against fine cuisine that you won't join us? That is mainly why we would even go to France anyway, for the food!
I'm off to do some recruiting. I don't feel very comfortable with the idea of traveling Europe alone.
Ah, too bad it's only a dream!
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