Drove to Coble, hauling Daddy's handiwork - the Lovetts' new table.

Saturday Night, September 1st, 2007
Walked to our weekend home - okay, Mr. and Mrs. Stouffer, Sr. were in Florida and kindly let us stay in their house. Thank you, Stouffers! There we enjoyed a bit of Alton Brown and Iron Chef America. After we went to bed (quite late) Laura and I enjoyed the almost forgotten game of hogging covers. I hear I'm good at that.
Note by Laura: She definitely won!
Sunday Morning, September 2nd, 2007
Drove a mere 20 minutes to church. We enjoyed the service, as always. We were also very glad to see the Logan family walk in as well as, with them, a couple of men from the Williams family.
Sunday Afternoon, September 2nd, 2007
Enjoyed some fellowship with our extended community at their meeting place. We had a fun and interesting Psalm/Hymn Sing. I've decided not to sing tenor except at church - there we only have two other tenors.
Sunday Afternoon, Evening and Night, September 2nd, 2007
We went back to The Holler (or whatever we call the Stouffers' and Lovetts' place), this time with a couple of other families, and enjoyed more fellowship and more great food. The 4-wheelers came out too. Oh, yes, we also enjoyed the privilege of getting to help get a few goats back into their appointed area.

Monday Morning, September 3rd, 2007
Woke up late (Luke kept falling off the couch onto me during the night) and enjoyed a pleasant drive to Cane Creek with Mrs. Stouffer, just the two of us. What a great way to begin the day! Mrs. Stouffer is so nice to be with.
Monday Afternoon, September 3rd, 2007
Enjoyed an interesting ride to Centerville with Mrs. Lovett, Kaliste, Jonathan, Mama and Luke.
(Details only available through visits)
Picked up tables and chairs from church for that evening. Yes, we would need all of them.Monday Evening and Night, September 3rd, 2007
Logans, Keens, Boyds, and Carpenters all came out to The Holler. That made for a fun evening! We got to drive 4-wheelers (some of us for the first time); we played Bluegrass with a couple of Boyds and a couple of other friends every now and then; Daddy enjoyed conversation with Mr. Keen and Mr. Boyd while I believe Mama was talking to their wives. That made me remember the time, just over 2 years ago when we all laughed at Daddy for saying that he wouldn't be surprised if we ended up dining with families like these and those who are now our church family. And here we are!

So, late Monday night we returned to our home, covered in chert from head to toe.
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