A few evenings ago we butchered a half a steer for a friend. I got the grinding job again. I've decided that they put me there on purpose; I'm not very good at wrapping the meat. :)

We went through our game/puzzle closet the other day. We have boxes and boxes of things to get rid of now!

Everything fits in there so nicely now! We don't have to close the doors quickly so nothing falls out!



Daddy, Kyle, and Luke put up some metal siding on the barn as a sort of wind break. That's going to be
very nice this winter.

The two turkeys left.

"Little" Smokie

And the other two pigs.
Those turkeys are beautiful. What kind are they?
I believe the one on the left is a Royal Palm and the one on the right is a Bourbon Red.
Thank you, I had not seen those before.
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