Thursday, November 29, 2007

What's new

We watched Ratatouille the other night. I liked it.

Yesterday, as many of y'all know, Claire and Kyle had music lessons. I stayed home with Luke (got to make cookie dough!). Anyway, "on their way" home, they had to stop by Wal-mart. Kyle stumbled across a double feature DVD set of Gettysburg and Gods and Generals.

The house is a wreck, but that's not really new. The fact that we're more or less trying to deal with it while at the same time trying to cull some of our enormous amount of stuff, that might be new. We've got a large-ish box full of culled videos, several boxes of games and puzzles, several boxes of books, and I think we've got a box of miscellaneous stuff as well (hospital pillows, candle holders, vases, etc.). Our next area, now that we're coming up on that time, probably needs to be Christmas decorations; there's also toys (LOTS of toys), baby and toddler clothes, Cd's, pictures, school stuff, books again, movies again, etc.

Our dishwasher is behaving very badly lately. This is close to the one we have. Even though it is the "Quiet Series," it is quite loud; it has never dried the dishes very well; even the heavy wash (2 hour) cycle leaves the cups and glasses dirtier than when they went in, and now the handle's broken! We have to fiddle with it just to get it to open!

Clarabelle learned how to push her feed bowl through the opening it sits in, so last night Daddy fixed it to where she couldn't do that. Mama and Kyle report that she tried hard to push it though this morning. She's a smart cow, but sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be easier to deal with a stupid one.

Practice for the Hanging of the Greens service Claire and I are singing in Sunday continues to progress. We are on a shaky line between pretty much well and getting worse as far as our colds go; that's not making practice any easier. Claire's singing "Sweet Little Jesus Boy" and we're both doing "O Holy Night" and "Beautiful Star of Bethlehem."

Ummmmm........ I think that's pretty much it, for now at least.


guardian said...

Your opinion of Ratatouille in relation to the rest of the Pixars?

I'm glad our dishwasher's quiet. We once had an obnoxious one, and whilst it was running you could hardly watch a movie.

See y'all Saturday.

Laura said...

Ratatouille in relation to all the other Pixars..... wow. Ummm... I think I would actually choose that over Cars, and those are at the top.

Your opinion? I think I've heard everybody else's.

guardian said...

I think content wise this was the best but visually I enjoyed Finding Nemo best.

Everybody missed everybody last night.