One of our Black Sex-link broody hens hatched an egg! We have been trying to do this for about a month, so we are very excited! I do not think that we have sex-link chicks unfortunately, but the little guy is cute nonetheless! You may thank the father for that brown face; our hens didn't get brown until they were about a year old!The mother still has another egg under her, so we are hoping that she will keep on setting until she hatches that one too! The little feller could be anywhere from one to three days old, but I am leaning a little more on the older side of that estimate. The reason being: there was no prominent egg tooth (from what my limited experience tells me, at least). Now we get to see how our hybrid, hatchery hen is at mothering her "home-grown" hatchling!

Tomorrow morning we are off to Texas by way of... the road. There is a possibility that we will be going by way of Mississippi; another that we will be stopping near Fort Worth, and yet another that we will just go straight there! It is even possible that we will be leaving today! I said possible, not probable.
I forgot to mention the other day that we had canned ten quarts of peaches and several (not many) half pints of tomato sauce.
1 comment:
Oh, how precious! He is just too cute!
Y'all have fun in Texas, and in the car on the way there! When you get back, you will have to write a long post on how the conference was and what San Antonio was like!
Can't wait to see y'all again; I didn't even get to say good-bye last Lord's Day; y'all left to quickly!
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