Well, a quarter of him.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contest Time!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry. Bradshaws and Wiggins are disqualified for having already done it.
What is this?

As for today, 11-20-2006, we had some good flurries! Exciting!
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..."
Meat from a cow? Maybe even Ribeye?
Perhaps I ought to be more clear in my instructions.
What CUT of meat is that?
Well you didn't say that! I think I got the answer right!
I tell you, just to make all readers jealous, those were the best steaks I've ever had. MMMMMMMMM! We got the first ones, everybody. MMMMMMMMM. Now everybody has to go to the Bradshaws, right Laura?
Of course! We have quite a few more where those came from.
What??? I am jealous...
Well, you are quite welcome to come and get one yourself!
Mommy - Clean CUT
Tricia Ann - ShortCUT
Jacob - UpperCUT
Gimli - HairCUT
Banjo - CrewCUT
Daddy - USDA Outlaw CUT
Believe me Laura, I'd be up there in a heartbeat (and not because of the world's best steaks), but it's really not that easy...
Hey, when is your contest over? You've got to announce a winner!
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