Friday, June 22, 2007

The Last Night

The Pick'n Parlor is closing. We're all sad about it, but we are determined to be there, for the last time, tonight. We're going to miss having that place to pick, but something else will probably come up. I've read lots of books where the main characters talk about the different "chapters" in their life. I thought when we stopped working at the Pick'n Parlor that that was the end of the "Pick'n Parlor chapter", but I suppose this really ends it. The Stacy's sold it, and I don't know what the new owners are intending to do with it. Maybe it will still be sort of the same, but I don't think it can ever be the way it was. I am glad I had a chance to work there. In doing so, we became a closer part of the people there. We probably would have never made it into the group like we sort of are now if we had not been forced to go every week for a while. It was great fun, and I'm going to miss everyone.

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