Thursday, January 24, 2008


I think I'm going to have to read some sort of book on literary analysis next. You just wouldn't believe how that prospect enthralls me.......... or not! Still, I'm absolutely sick of reading books and not being able to ascertain whether or not they were actually good! I don't think even a book like that would help me very much to reveal how to figure out the world view or slant of any particular book. How could it? It has to have a slant too! I have finished reading The Wars of the Roses, but all I came away from it with was the desire for more! It seemed to ask for a sequel, but I don't know if the history in it was very good or not. I certainly don't know if the world view was good! That sort of bothers me, but.......

I'm in the middle of Nicholas Nickleby, but I'm finding it quite a bit more tedious than the other Dickens books I have read. Somehow, my opinion of Dickens books improves one I am done with them, so I defer final judgment of it until I am through, and, even then, just to say whether I liked it or not.


guardian said...

You mean like a book on how to read a book? Or a sort of cliffnotes?

Sometimes it depends on if you're going into a book for entertainment or something else. It helped me when I was reading classic literature for school to have questions to answer. It made you think and brought out some things you wouldn't think of.

Anyway, I don't think I made any sense. (not that thats a new thing) Sorry.

Laura said...

I guess I mean a book on how to fully appreciate all the different aspects of any given book, although I'm not really sure.

If I wasn't so lazy I would almost wish for questions. However, after going through a biology book that had questions at the end of the chapters, I tend to avoid things like that. The biology questions had obscure answers that had only minimal pertinence to the rest of the chapter! I finally decided to just outline the chapters, and ignore the questions altogether. I enjoyed it after that.

Your comment made way more sense than my hasty, error-filled post (and my comment too, most likely)!

guardian said...

Maybe so, but it helped me to be required to answer, I'm sure I wouldn't have sought that out by myself. At least literature is sensible (to me anyways). Biology looks like my bedroom. A train wreck. (to me anyhow).

Sometimes in my minimal experience the questions that seem to have no relevance may have the most if you take a little time.