Wednesday, December 20, 2006

"I Can't Believe It's Christmas..."

Busy! That is the only word that can possibly describe the time we are going through! The amazing thing is that not very much of it is at all related to Christmas as it would have been in years past! This Christmas is so different that it hardly even feels like Christmas! However, that may have something to do with the 60 and 70 degree weather we have been having lately. Never thought I'd miss the 40 degree, drippy weather, but there's nothing like that to get you in the mood! We've done the traditional things such as: watching every Christmas movie in the house, listening to all our Christmas CDs (Mama has finally proclaimed our holiday music selection lousy; maybe now we'll get some good Christmas music.), and decorating the Christmas tree with a finger food dinner that night. Still, it is like we're in "A Charlie Brown Christmas"! Isn't it still October? Guess I'll have to get used to this hectic, non-stop feeling, but now at least we don't have the Pick'n Parlor this week end and Mr. Brantley has let us off for a couple of weeks for Christmas break. He gave me quite a bit to work on between now and the next lesson though.

1 comment:

The Lingo Clan said...

Merry Christmas!
