Friday, February 23, 2007

Feel Free to Express Your Opinion Here

In my last post I said that there is a debate on what to call our pastures. By pastures I mean the two large sections not the four sections in each. Now, we are right now being very creative and calling them "Front Field (or pasture- whichever one slips out)" and "Back Field." These even have some controversy. For example, if Mama and Daddy use the term "Front Field" they mean different pastures. My question: What would you call the field closest to the road, and what would you call the field closest to the house? That is how I have to talk about the pastures now, because we can't say "the one with the pond" any more. So, we can keep speaking in "the-field-closest-to-the-house" phrases, or y'all can come up with something better (PLEASE!).

I don't think I worded this post very well, but I don't really have a lot of time to go back over and fix it all.


guardian said...

1,2? Uno, dos?

A, B?

kali marie said...

Oh Chris, you are so creative.

guardian said...

Thanks, Kaliste. Really. Thanks.

Laura said...


Which one for what field?


Chris at least gave several ideas. That's more than you did! However, I shall assume you are at this very moment coming up with something wonderfully creative and shall comment as soon as possible. :)

kali marie said...


No problem. Anytime.

Laura,'d you know? Well, let's see. Chris only said 1 and 2, a and b in one other language besides English. What about French? Portugese? Oooh, I know! Elvish! Okay, okay, so you don't want to do the number or letter thing. You could do Tom and Sally, Bob and Jane. No good either? Do they both have cows in them? If not, how about the one with the cows, the other the one without the cows.

Sorry, I'm getting tired and can't think of anything. I'll let you know when and if I do.

The Bradshaws said...


Sally Field
W.C. Field(s)
Elysian Field
Strawberry Field(s) [Forever]
Marshall Field(s)
Ebbits Field
Louis Pasteur--make that Pasture


Laura said...


What names do you prefer? This whole post was primarily for your benefit. Also, for the names you so creatively came up with which field would they belong to?

The Bradshaws said...

Do I have to do everything around here???


Laura said...

You don't, but would you like to?

Claire B. said...

Mama's comment doesn't make any sense to me.

How about "Pasture" Lovett and "Pasture" Truelove? ...Oh, well... just ideas.

The Bradshaws said...

OOOOHHH! I like Claire's suggestions!


The Bradshaws said...

Ok, my turn.

How about the East pasture and the West pasture. Then within each pasture, we will similar names for each of the paddocks. For example, I put the cows in the North paddock of the East pasture yesterday afternoon.

Yours truly,
Dull Dad