Wednesday, June 20, 2007

First Failure

Actually, that's really pretty good considering what normally happens when we try something new. This being our third kraut-making year, it is really good. When we kids and Mama got back home from our few days with my aunt, Mama checked on the kraut. It was bad. We can't really figure out what went wrong except that it may not have had enough liquid. Anyway, the cabbage was black, so the pigs got it. This is the recipe we've used every time though. It probably would have worked this time too; we just weren't home to check on it. We will most likely make another batch with farmers' market cabbage.

On to more interesting stuff..... ummm...... I got some new boots............ *think, think, think* uh, apparently Dickson has a nice Goodwill 'cause Mama and Claire spent a long time there yesterday........ umm....... Claire and I are learning a tune by Bill Monroe called " The Longbow". It's a fiddle tune, not a hunting song. Okay. I guess I don't really have anything interesting to post. We're back to our dull, boring life. The pace will soon be picking up as the garden is nearly ready to harvest. Oh, we watched "Anne of Green Gables" at Aunt Carol's last night. I am the only girl I know of who can honestly say that I don't like it!!! That may be putting it a bit strongly, but I don't really enjoy it.


The Lingo Clan said...

I'd love to try making some kraut, especially since Jacob's new favorite sandwich is a Reuben! I'm not sure that I've grown nearly enough cabbage, though. We only have 6 plants. About how many heads do you use for one crock-full?

Miss y'all so much already! Hope you had a wonderful time at your Aunt's!

"Aunt" Trish

Laura said...

I really can't say how many heads we used. I'm not sure we could have gaged it either; our cabbages were very inconsistent in their size. We also had to throw out several of the outer layers because some kind of bug got to it. I suppose it would matter how big your crock is too! It seems like it takes a lot, but I really don't know. Sorry.

Are y'all going to come back up soon? I am sure some of us will be crying in church this week remembering how right it was to have the Lingo's there.