Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Short Update

I am happy to report that my hoopskirt and snood arrived yesterday afternoon. A few days previous my cameo arrived too. I decided to get the 90" hoop so that I could still fit through our doors! I am still going to have to make some sort of over-hoop-skirt thing though. I am also going to have to hem it up a few inches (I think I may do it by machine, bad me). Mama is making great progress on her dress; I think she only lacks eight hooks or eyes (I don't know which side she finished already) and the hem. Claire wants short sleeves, and has been researching to figure out how to convert our pattern.

I am looking forward to this cool season. I have more and more ideas as to how I wish to convert my wardrobe into more dresses and skirts. This will really be the first winter that I wear almost exclusively feminine costumes. I have found that the costume patterns we like are, most of the time, meant for cooler weather, and I am looking forward to continuing my study in sewing. I was recently a bit frustrated at how sewing goes: By the time you have the spring and summer's wardrobe finished then fall and winter have rolled 'round! Still, the sewing we did for last winter is very definitely still wearable, and I will actually get to this year! And, perhaps, sometime this winter I will get around to making my newest pattern: Sense and Sensibility's 1910's Tea Gown! I love her Romantic Era Dress pattern (the jumper option really appeals to me)! The other day I saw this lovely medieval dress pattern, but I am just dreaming now so I had better stop!

1 comment:

The Lingo Clan said...

Oh Laura! You look lovely! Your dress is SO pretty, and your cameo adds just the right touch. I like the historical patterns the best too.

Tricia Ann