Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Slight Correction

I have a slight correction to my last post.

I guiltily admit that I left out a couple of families. It was not done purposely! The Lovett's and the Stouffer's also stayed a little while. Because the men had a meeting one night, Chris Stouffer kindly led our families in worship.

The only thing wrong with last week was that it was not long enough! Nobody stayed long enough! COME BACK Y'ALL!!!!!


guardian said...

The Stouffers thank you kindly for including us, although a bit tardily. You're right, it wasn't long enough, but it could also be said that ya'll need to stay here for more than one or two days, too!!!

Laura said...

Possibly, but I have heard the country air is better than that city smog! Anyway, we go dowm every week now. Y'all only come every now and then!

Sorry about the tardiness.

kali marie said...

I didn't mean to make you feel guilty!!! You know I was only teasing you...

We had a wonderful time up there and wish that y'all weren't so far away! And you're right, we didn't stay near long enough!