This will just be a picture post, if it is possible for me to do one of those.

We made soap the other day! Can't believe we actually did it!

The boys demonstrating the cattle chute; Kyle's being the head-gate in this picture.

The boys "cleaning the basement!"

The snow that I mentioned in my last post.

Cutting the throat after they shot our 29. I think it only took one shot, but the
Lingos and the
Wiggins can correct me on that.

The expert tractor operator, Mr. Tent-dweller, bringing 29 to the chicken yard.

Skinning the legs a bit so they can get the gambrel (I think that's what it's called) in.

Here there will be a slight jump. Our photographer wasn't out there to capture the whole skinning experience. So, they are (or are trying to) pulling the... They are eviscerating 29.

Daddy cleaning out the cavity. Gotta like Jacob's job!

Here Daddy is beginning to cut 29 in half. In this picture you can also see the two color schemes of the men's pants. There were a couple of blue jeans, but Carhartts and Dickies reigned.

29, halved.

29, quartered, and ready to be hung.

Our chicks came in this morning! This is the only picture that's not blurry. It's our "exotic" freebie bird that we got because we bought 25 (I think). All the others are Barred Rocks.

One last thing. Kyle's turkey trophy was destroyed by this dog. Kyle was pretty upset about it, reasonably so. It was his first turkey; he shot it with Daddy; it was the biggest turkey we've heard about all season, etc.
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