The Tent-dwellers have started to put floorboards down.

Daddy had Mr. Doc Lewis come spread lime on our pastures.

Granddaddy and others hung another bell out front.

Mr. Saenz and Chris came this weekend to play at the Pickn' Parlor. They gave us a great show on our front porch too!

They even allowed us to jam with them! We had a great time!

Saying the rods really
do work.

Proving the rods
don't work.
Experiencing the rods
not working!

Kyle shot his first turkey Monday morning. Stats
Optimism paid off. The scalder and plucker (with a little help) worked well.

See! This tom turned into roast turkey (Did you know that turkey came from a turkey?!?! Apparently Luke didn't) that we had as a fellowship dinner with the Tent-dwellers last night. He tasted even better tonight in turkey potpie!
Oh, well, it looks fine in Internet Explorer.
Loved all the photos. Can't wait to see Tent Dwellers new dwelling!
Did y'all cook the turkey and gobble him up for Monday's dinner?
What were the rods supposed to do?
Aunt Trish
Sorry for being so long in answering your questions; it's kind of busy around here.
We had the turkey Tuesday and Wednesday evenings with the Tent-dwellers.
The rods were supposed to find water by crossing when they were over it. After Daddy did it we determined that it was all in your mind somehow. Some unconscious movement makes the rods cross over whatever you happen to be focusing on at that moment. Quite an experiment!
Are y'all coming up soon? We've heard something of that sort, but then we've all been hoping for it for a long time! Please come!!!
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