Thursday, March 15, 2007

A Bit of a Whim

I found this on Jessica McDonald's blog, and I thought I'd have a bit of fun.

I am Elinor Dashwood!

Take the Quiz here!


The Lingo Clan said...

I am Elizabeth Bennett, ha ha. I really should be doing something a bit more productive, but this was just too intriguing! I must say, those questions were not easy to answer. Some of them really had no choices that were like me, so I just chose randomly on those! It was fun, though. Thanks.

~Aunt Trish

The Lingo Clan said...

Hey, I'm Elinor too!

I agree with mom. Those are some difficult questions to answer.

Tricia Ann

The Lingo Clan said...

I sure as heck ain't "Lizzy", like the test said I was.


Laura said...

^There's a real man for you! Can't believe you actually did it thought! Did Tricia Ann threaten to flatten you if you didn't?!! BTW, you were used as a witness to something this morning. Can't tell you what it was, except that it was against Kaliste and for Chris.

Lizzie, eh?


guardian said...

I appreciate the objectiveness, Laura. I trust your great memory to remember the correct instance, Jake. I have no doubts that your memory of this occasion is the same as mine. (and it has nothing to do with water).

Now, I assume I must take this little quiz...drumroll...

Hey, I'm Mr. Darcy!

The Lingo Clan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Claire B. said...

Just a question, but, how did you turn out to be Mr. Darcy on a heroine quiz?


guardian said...

Lousy attempt at a joke, sorry. I'm a Lizzy with Jacob. Somehow, that doesn't quite fit either of us, but at least I'm with Jacob.


The Lingo Clan said...

RE: your petty quarrel on the water subject, I'm with Chris, even though I don't know which instance you are referencing. We Lizzy's must stick together.

Answering your question to Chris (I hope that's OK), you can take the guy's version of the quiz on Jessica McDonald's blog