Saturday, March 24, 2007

What's Been Goin' On

There is a certain amount satisfaction that comes from knowing you did a job as well as you could. However, there is also a certain amount of trepidation that comes from wondering if you did that job well enough, even though you did your best. Obviously, I know something about this. Well, I mowed the yard today. Nobody has said that I didn't do well, but I don't think it looks very good. Anything would have made it look better than it did though. It was the first cut of the season.

We put up some sort of protection cloth over the broccoli and cabbages down at the garden. It will hopefully keep the worms and butterflies off. We kind of used the same design as our mini-greenhouses except that the "utensil wire" (Luke's phrase, he meant high tensile wire) went directly into the ground and we held the cloth down with bricks.

Speaking of the mini-greenhouses, we are having some rather major seed-starting problems. Although we have sort of successfully conquered the mold (if you don't look too closely) the soil blocks have completely dried out. We are currently combating this by soaking them in one to two inches of water.

Quick update on Clarabelle: She is still leaking some, though not nearly as often or as heavily as before. She hates the lead rope. I mean she really hates it! After studying (standing in) the place where we have been handling Clarabelle we have decided that we will probably have to pour concrete there.

Last night we went, for the first time since we "quit", back to the Pickn' Parlor. It was odd not having to wash dishes, make sandwiches, fill up drinks, or buss tables. I enjoyed myself as much as possible though. Everyone was glad to see us back, and "the crowd went wild" when Claire sang her rendition of "Blue Moon of Kentucky!"

Oh, this morning I finally, after three years or more, connected a sound to its creature! The llama has a very unusual sound. It sounded to me something like a hoarse turkey-peacock combination. I found this out when Lily chased it. Yes, she is still very bad. I'm beginning to believe the old saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" only our version would be "you can't teach an old dog to obey." She's going to have to start showing some progress regularly, or I afraid her demise might be near.

This is a much longer post than I meant for it to be!


guardian said...

Grass cutting can be both rewarding and rather embarrassing. Just cut a straight line, and you should be OK. ;)

Was last night the night the Saenzes were there? At the parlor, I mean. I think we need to hear Claire's rendition, too. (this has probably already happened and I was elsewhere)

Where did Lily find a llama to chase, anyhow?

The Lingo Clan said...

Grass cuttin'...if you want some practice, come on down here. You can cut for hours on end. =]

Y'all have a good week,

Laura said...

In our yard I don't think you can cut a straight line, Chris. I just tried to get all of it cut!

The Saenzs' are coming Friday, and will be at the Parlor for the open mic night. They play Saturday. Are y'all coming? And, yes, you do need to hear Claire.

There are a couple of llamas (or maybe they're alpacas, I don't know for sure) at the neighbors'.

Thank you, Jacob, but I don't need any more grass to cut than I already have. I did it this time (hopefully just this time) so Kyle could trim.