I am ready to post again. I know it has been a while since my last post, but I have my reasons. We were unable to find our camera, and this post needed pictures (I thought). Last weekend Daddy and I made some miniature greenhouses to start our seeds in. We are both quite proud of them. The only thing we had to buy was some more clear plastic for the top; we didn't have quite enough.

We covered our chicken processing tables with black plastic to absorb warmth. Whether it is or not, I don't know, but it sure made them look professional!

Saturday evening we started making the soil blocks (no, I don't know what all we put in it) and planting the seeds. Monday evening we finished filling up our tables (those table hold a
lot of soil blocks!). Yesterday Mama said that we're starting to get sprouts from some that we had planted Saturday!

Yesterday and this morning was spent doing this. No, not being lazy; we helped "anonymous" cut and drag cedar logs from over halfway up the mountain. Yep, the cabin is beginning become reality! We ladies are in pants only because you can't really climb the mountain in a skirt or dress.
Well, it's off to mandolin/fiddle lessons now. I hate being unprepared, but I haven't exactly had a whole lot of time to practice!
Wow! This looks great! Such ingenuity! I need more detail! How did you make your soil blocks? Are you planning to put your mini-greenhouses outside soon? What all did you plant?
Aunt Trish
First question: I don't know how we made our soil blocks, but I will try to get Mama or Daddy to blog about that soon.
Second question: The mini-greenhouses are on the back porch, and, if I am right, we will transplant the soil blocks directly in the new garden spot in the berry patch.
Third question: Lots of stuff. We got some sort of variety pack from Baker's Creek Heirloom Seeds. We didn't really know what we were getting. Lots of tomatoes, and quite a bit of stuff that we didn't even know what it was. I'll try to remember to post a list of whatever actually grows, and a revised one of what survives the transplant and continues to grow.
Miss y'all,
Thanks for the info, Laura!
Sounds like some fun surprises await in your garden. Can't wait to hear more and see some photos of your progress!
Miss y'all, too!
Aunt Trish
Your soil blocks look great! We made some today (since our soil-block-maker finally arrived).
Clarabelle hasn't had her calf yet?
Miss you!
Tricia Ann
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